IPhones VS Androids Phones,Their Differences and Similarities
There is excitement in the media and telecommunications worlds as iPhone and Android users vie for the kind of champion in mobile technology. From a productivity standpoint, the two devices do have their differences and similarities. However, depending on the categories they serve, there is always one that has a competitive advantage. We'll look at each mobile device in each selection category to see which one stands out. Areas to question in this smartphone saga are: logging in features, taking pictures, making phone calls, managing storage, entertaining users, and last but not least, engaging with social media. Logging in Logging into a device can be the first test of patience and tolerance, because it's the first thing we do before using the phone's other features. The iPhone's TouchID fingerprint sensor technology is considered the most secure way to allow authorized users to access the device, as each fingerprint is unique to every person on the planet. While Andr...